
📅 Daily note for 23 July 2024

3 days 20 hours ago
“The new Government must draw on the power of institutional memory⬈” Time and again, National Audit Office reports contain universally similar themes. Over-optimistic delivery plans mean budgets get burnt, deadlines are missed, governance is ineffective. # “Building visual literacy: Making good diagrams⬈” Don’t confuse the good making of a diagram with the making of a ... Keep reading

📅 Daily note for 18 July 2024

1 week 1 day ago
A really busy week, hence lacking of noting. # Ever since the decline of Evernote as an ‘everything bucket’ I’ve lacked a decent option for a place to just save stuff – links, PDFs, anything I might want to come back to later. Have tried all the options and not liked any of them! Even ... Keep reading

📅 Daily note for 10 July 2024

2 weeks 2 days ago
I am back at a desk with all my usual stuff! Yay for productivity! # Ben Welby on “Five things I think about GDS, CDDO and i.AI moving into DSIT⬈“: In the UK, GDS benefitted from Francis Maude as the Minister for Cabinet Office (MCO) with his leadership backing the wave of transformation through to ... Keep reading

Check out the latest version of the LocalGov CMS Directory

2 weeks 3 days ago

The LocalGov CMS Directory has been updated, a process which takes place every 6 months to keep it up-to-date and useful. There have been a number of changes of CMS since the last version, but it hasn’t changed the order of the top 5 CMS. Content management system Number of councils Drupal 89 (+3) Jadu […]

The post Check out the latest version of the LocalGov CMS Directory appeared first on Digital Health Check.


📅 Daily note for 9 July 2024

2 weeks 3 days ago
Some machinery of government changes starting to come through. DLUHC is now MHCLG⬈ (the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government) again, which is good. Also all the digital stuff (GDS, CDDO etc) is going into DSIT⬈ (the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology) which is potentially exciting. It will be interesting to see where ... Keep reading

📅 Daily note for 8 July 2024

2 weeks 4 days ago
In the middle of a house move, so am working on my laptop rather than my main computer, and am on the sofa – my new desk doesn’t arrive until Wednesday! The computing revolution: How the next government can transform society with ethics, education and equity in technology – the British Computer Society’s vision for ... Keep reading

📅 Daily note for 7 July 2024

2 weeks 5 days ago
A Sunday daily note! A rarity indeed. I’m not using my usual computer today, which means that I don’t have MarsEdit and thus this post does not sport any paragraph links. Let me know how little you care in the comments! 🙂 Following my wittering about online communities on Friday, I came across this post ... Keep reading

📅 Daily note for 4 July 2024

3 weeks 1 day ago
Have added Google Analytics to this blog, via the Sitekit WordPress plugin. I guess it will be interesting to see the numbers, but it isn’t really why I do this, so maybe I’ll switch it off again once the novelty wears off. # Audree Fletcher posted a little while back about Demanding predictable solutions for ... Keep reading

📖 A framework for (digital) strategy

3 weeks 2 days ago
This post and all its contents is published under a creative commons attribution-sharealike license. Find out more⬈. I’m doing a fair bit of strategy work with councils at the moment, and have hit upon a framework for putting them together which seems to help keep strategies strategic, and thus make them more useful. I’m typing ... Keep reading

📅 Daily note for 2 July 2024

3 weeks 3 days ago
Kiasmos⬈ have been providing some of my favourite beepy-boopy music of recent times. They have a newish album out⬈, which is excellent. My favourite track of theirs, though, is still Looped⬈ from their 2015 debut album: # We had the July edition of LocalGovDigital Live!⬈ This morning. We were meant to have a session on ... Keep reading

📅 Daily note for 1 July 2024

3 weeks 4 days ago
Pinch, punch, first of the month.# Am trying a thing to easily(ish) create anchor links at the end of paragraphs in these daily notes. That way I can point people directly to a specific nugget within a post. There is a very limited user need here, beyond scratching an itch, which is to try and ... Keep reading

📅 Daily note for 28 June 2024

4 weeks ago
I’m back! First daily note in a while. Hope you are as pleased with me as I am 😁 The blog has been rehosted, meaning I can save a bit of money shutting down an old hosting account. Have also changed the theme, going from the venerable Twenty-Fifteen⬈ which has served me well for a ... Keep reading

🧑‍💻 Movements

4 weeks 1 day ago
I have rehosted this blog, which seems to have worked ok. Well, if you’re reading this, it must have! One side effect is that anyone subscribed to the RSS feed may well have suddenly received a bunch of old posts popping up as a result. Just mark ’em as read and move on, there’s nothing ... Keep reading

📖 What could a “Local Government Centre for Digital Technology” actually do? 🤔

1 month ago
(Previously published on LinkedIn and in my newsletter.) In the LGA’s recently published white paper on the future of local government, there’s a very interesting line about digital. Just the one line, admittedly, but I think it is fair to say that it is doing a lot of work. We are calling for… [a] Local Government Centre for Digital Technology: ... Keep reading

🔗 Some links and stuff

1 month ago
I sent out a newsletter today, which featured some links that I’ve pasted below for posterity. However I’ve realised that I’ve written a few pieces on LinkedIn etc that I haven’t also published here, so will sort that out in the next day or so. Expect a sudden flurry of publishing as a result!